Eastern Switzerland leader

Our Sales Manager Swen Fürer and CEO Raphael Schärer have been included in the list of the 250 most inspiring personalities in Eastern Switzerland. This special honor as part of the Who's Who nomination shows that their commitment has an impact - beyond our company.

But we all know: in the end, it's neither titles nor honors that count, but results. 2025 will present us with new challenges - and we are ready! We look forward to many instructive projects and exciting, tricky tasks that inspire, challenge and encourage us. Here's to even more success, together as a team!

You can find their portraits here:

Swen Fürer: who-s-who.ch/personen/swen-fuerer-3284.html

Raphael Schärer: who-s-who.ch/personen/raphael-schaerer-3286.html

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